How to Prevent Tooth Decay While Wearing Braces
While braces are one of the most effective treatments fora healthy and more beautiful smile, properly cleaning and maintaining them can get quite difficult at times. This is due to the many nooks and crevices created in your mouth from the ligatures and plates on braces. These places attract food debris and create breeding grounds for bacteria that can cause tooth decay if not cleaned properly and regularly. Having decayed and discolored teeth makes the entire treatment of braces near you counterproductive at the end. Here are some practical tips on how to prevent tooth damage and decay once you receive braces in Fort Myers , so you can have a bright and lovely smile once you remove them. Stick to friendly food for braces Prevention is better than cure! Making sure you prevent the opportunity to have sticky food remains stuck in the wires of your braces is a lot easier than having to put a whole lot of effort in the cleanup afterward. While it may seem difficult to circumv...